Thursday, May 12, 2011

Right Now- POTD- NL Self Portrait

POTD: as much as i hate these- here is my self portrait in full natural light. I'll submit one with the DSLR dialed down later on today or tomorrow (realistically tomorrow ;) )

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Right Now- POTD

right now:

-I am sitting in the playroom floor watching the fresh beat band & eating oreo's with two sweet little boys!

-smelling a delicious emealz dinner (stewed chicken) cooking in the crockpot

-avoiding laundry

-smiling at the clean sink because i just finished the dishes! yay me! :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

my right now...

right now i am nursing my sweet Madden. he is teething and nursing seems to be the only thing providing him with relief and calm to get still and comfortable enough to drift to sleep. it's one of my most favorite things to do with my babies and sweet doesn't even begin to describe these looks he gives while nursing. i adore this baby boy!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The first edible Henley safe (monkey) cupcakes!

Finding the joy: day two- something new. Madden my newest addition :) spring has sprung and so has he! He's pushing up and trying to scoot!

finding the joy day 2: something green this is a spring near my house that has the loveliest patches of watercress peaking up through the crystal clear water.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

my sweet henley

i don't often get great shots of my middle sweetheart henley. when i do get a great photo of him i just love it to bits. i was taking pictures of madden one day and henley kept wanting to push his way into the frame so i moved madden and let henley go! i am so glad i did!! this has to be some of my all time favorites of him. love, love, love this pic of my little blue eye'd boy.

Friday, April 15, 2011


A sister’s love is special
in ways that are unspoken

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

the joy of littlest nieces

this picture captures a fraction of the silly bubbly-ness of little roo's very well rounded personality.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the beginning

my love of snapping pics grew leaps & bounds one summer at 4-h camp. I was in the fourth grade & just 10 years old. We had a choice of classes to take & hands down first pick for me was photography. After photography i chose an art class & cooking. i still have a huge interest in all of those things. but, my love of photography has grown over the years & through my many cameras. when my first son was born my interest and love became an all out passion. with each little bundle of joy my obsession grew with capturing these little personalities into that coveted frame-worthy shot :)