Thursday, April 28, 2011

The first edible Henley safe (monkey) cupcakes!

Finding the joy: day two- something new. Madden my newest addition :) spring has sprung and so has he! He's pushing up and trying to scoot!

finding the joy day 2: something green this is a spring near my house that has the loveliest patches of watercress peaking up through the crystal clear water.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

my sweet henley

i don't often get great shots of my middle sweetheart henley. when i do get a great photo of him i just love it to bits. i was taking pictures of madden one day and henley kept wanting to push his way into the frame so i moved madden and let henley go! i am so glad i did!! this has to be some of my all time favorites of him. love, love, love this pic of my little blue eye'd boy.

Friday, April 15, 2011


A sister’s love is special
in ways that are unspoken

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

the joy of littlest nieces

this picture captures a fraction of the silly bubbly-ness of little roo's very well rounded personality.